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Author Archives: AGameSM

How Often Should SMBs Redesign Their Websites and What is the Average Cost?

In today's digital age, a well-maintained and up-to-date website is crucial for any small to medium-sized business (SMB). Your website is often the…
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Add Blogging for SEO – Have a V8!

Blogging is to SEO like V8 is to a healthy diet. I'm sure you've likely heard the saying, "Wow, I could've had a V8!".…
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Messaging Consent Rules & SPAM

There are many rules regarding text and email marketing - but it all comes down to consent. Emails and texts should only be sent…
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AGameSM Desktop vs. Mobile Site

Mobile Website Promo $45/mo

Desktop vs. Mobile (AGameSM's old site) Our Mobile Website Promo is back! Why do you need a Mobile Website? Did…
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