We Build Optimized Websites
An optimized website is a clean-coded site built with seo best practices from the ground up. It must be easy to navigate and be user-friendly. Wordpress is our platform of choice. Wordress is a web software platform for websites and blogs and is the top-rated content management platform on the market.
Websites can come in all different shapes, sizes and colors – some with animation; some with over 100K pages; some consisting of only a landing page… Whether is an information website or an e-commerce website, a user-friendly or optimized website is a must, if you want your site to be indexed by the search engines and found by potential clients or customers. In fact, it’s better to be search-friendly than to be flashy because search engines are reading code, so it must be easily understood by the google-bots. If a site is muddied up with flash or broken code, it won’t rank as well in search results.
Mobile Websites

In addition to being seo and search-friendly, it must be mobile-friendly or a responsive website. With the unbelievable growth of smartphone owners, having a website that is compatible to mobile phones is also necessary. If your site needs to be built from scratch – or you’re doing a re-design to make it more current, make sure it is built on a responsive platform (mobile and tablet compatible format).
If your site is already up-to-date, but it’s not mobile-compatible, and a new site is not in the budget, we recommend you have an additional mobile website built for the smartphone users. The easier it is to find your business online – and navigate the site via mobile when needed, the higher your chances are to convert visitors into customers. 61% of mobile searches result in a phone call (Source: Google), so your site should have a Click-to-Call button, too.
Mobile Search Stats
Of all smartphone users:
*94% look for local info
*84% take action as a result – such as purchase
*77% have researched a product or service on their device
*46% have made a purchase
AGameSM offers seo-friendly websites built on responsive themes that make them compatible to mobile and smartphones. And, we build mobile sites with the same look and feel of your standard website, in case the budget does not allow for a complete re-design.
Website Hosting Services
When it comes to hosting services, we use and recommend Lightning Base. We moved our site to Lightning Base about 2 years ago and have been extremely pleased with the service, support and security. We now host all our clients’ sites there, too. They offer managed hosting for WordPress, and include daily back-ups of all our sites. They will also perform the update for us. It is safer and more secure than the other providers we had used in the past. And, although you can’t talk to them on the telephone, the customer service can’t be beat. Well worth the extra cost.
If you handle your own hosting, feel free to use our affiliate link. 🙂